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LIEBHERR 984 excavator (mining version)

Manufacturer: CONRAD

Scale: 1:50

Here is LIEBHERRs gigantic 984 mining excavator. Just look at how

it towers over its operator!

The inside features operators seat, pedals, and proper raised

display panel (on the right of the operators seat)

View from the front, that is one thick strong boom

Metal linked tracks!

Rear view with painted "LIEBHERR" and safety markings

View from above to show teh hydrolic lines leading to the boom,

The overhead cab guard, and the engine detail

View of the opposite side

The model features railings all around the cab for detail but even on

the opposite side these details are included like the ladder shown here

Dual hydrolics for twice the strength

Close up of the toothed bucket with its ribbed underside

Painted in white the LIEBHERR mining color this is one incredibly

AWESOME model all i can say is if you don't already have one

you better order one right now cause your missing out!

The 984's maximum digging depth

Barely fitting on the transporter the 984's loaded up ready for

its first big bite

Here's a cool photo shot of the beast in action filling up one

articulated dump truck after another in 3 scoops at most



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