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VOLVO EC700B LC excavator

Manufacturer: MOTORART

Scale: 1:50

Here is the VOLVO EC700B LC excavator from Motorart, you can get an

idea of this machines size by comparing it to thta man walking next to it

View of the operators side

Front view

View of the opposite side

Rear view

Plastic linked tracks

View inside the operators cab

Large 5 toothed standard digging bucker

Here's a pic with the boom fully lowered to show the EC700's

maxumium digging depth

Size comparsion shot of the Volvo EC700B LC next to a CAT 365B L excavator 

Photo of the Volvo loading up street dump truck

Shot of the Ec700 excavator loaded up on a 2x2x2 and heading off to a

large scale water pipe project

Here's a pic of the EC 700 in action at that large scale water pipe project

digging extremely deep into the earth


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