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NORDBERG  LT 80 mobile tracked crusher

Manufacturer: HIMOBO

Scale: 1:50

Here is the HiMoBo tracked crusher, you can see the machines

 size as it sits next to that man

A pic of the machines engine and power unit

Soft rubber tracks

View of the conveyor system looking back

Rear where it all starts at the dump basin

Sides of dump pit can be flipped down for traveling

Another pic with the panels flipped down

Side sorting conveyor belt for removing large unwanted items

Conveyor can be flipped up for traveling

Here's a pic of inside the dump pit showing how a conveyor pushes

the material and feeds it over that screen and into the crusher

The smaller materials are sifted through that first drop hole

and then the larger rock material are pushed over the screen

and into the second drop into the crusher

Here's a shot with the first screen removed to show you into

the first drop hole

Pic of the vibration springs on the outside of the drop basin

Side panel drops with hanging overhead

Large conveyor where the crushed material is hauled up

Here's a view looking down teh conveyor to show you how just  like

the real machine it runs all the way from the crusher, under, and out

Considering this machine is done by Himobo you already should know

its got fine craftsmanship and isn't exactly the easiest model to get your

hands on the details are very accurate and alot of time was put

into this piece

Here's a shot of the LT 80 crusher in action chomping down on

big rocks as if they were pieces of candy


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